Friday, June 19, 2020

How to perform offline migration of a SQL Server database to Azure?

As discussed in the previous article Data Migration Assistant (DMA) is one of the tools which we can use to assess a database and it can also migrate the database. DMA is one of the tools for performing Offline database migrations. So before performing a production database migration using DMA we need to schedule sufficient maintenance windows and thorough testing in a lower environment. Here we will migrate an on-premise database named “AdventureWorks2016” to Azure SQL Database using DMA. Details of DMA and different migrations are discussed in this article..

I have already downloaded and created the “AdventureWorks2016” database. You can read this article to get details from where this database can be downloaded.

Download DMA:

We can download DMA for free from here.

Install DMA:

Installing DMA is quite easy just need to click on 'Next', 'Next' as shown below. 

Once installation completes successfully, we should see below shortcut on the desktop.

Assess A Database using DMA:

Here first, we will evaluate if my database is migrated from a SQL Server database to Azure SQL Database, what existing features might not work in Azure, what issues the database might face, and at the same time DMA will also suggest remedies for the issues identified.

Open DMA by double-clicking the icon. Now click on ‘+’ and create a new project as shown below

Enter the project name as “AssessDB”, assessment type as ‘Database Engine’. Select the desired source and target server. I am selecting the source server type as “SQL Server” and Target Server type as “Azure SQL Database” as shown below

As of today, we can assess if the source database will have any compatibility issues if migrated to azure, and also we can check if any of the existing features of the source database will have issues if migrated to azure. Let’s check both the options as shown below

Now connect to the source SQL instance using either Windows or SQL authentication:

Now select the database which we want to assess. Here we are assessing “AdventureWorks2016” database, so select it and click on 'Add':

Now Click on ‘Start Assessment’ and the assessment will start

Once the assessment is completed in the results we will have information about different issues we might face if we migrate the current database to azure. As you can see I already have some SQL Server jobs on source database hence the report is saying there are no SQL Server Agent jobs in Azure. So if these jobs are critical and required to be run after migration also we need to plan for a fix for this. Either we can select another target platform like SQL Managed Instance or SQL on Azure VM (Iaas) or use Elastic jobs. But in my case, this is just a test environment I will ignore the warnings and proceed.

Same way under ‘Compatibility Issues’ it says ‘Full-Text’ index has changed and so on.

So we need to review this Assessment report thoroughly and need to apply fixes for any issues identified or might need to exclude any of the objects\components from source, if we don’t need to use them in Azure and so on. We can save or export this report.

Migrate Database using DMA:

Once database assessment is completed next we can use DMA itself to migrate the database to Azure.

Now click on ‘+’ symbol again and create a new project named “MigrateDB”. Same as we did for assessing the database select the source and target servers. In the “Migration scope”, we can choose what we want to migrate either only data or only schema or both schema\data. Here we will migrate both the schema and data, so I am selecting the option ‘Schema and data’.

Now select the source server and authentication type either windows or SQL authentication

Then select the source database which we want to migrate. Here it is ‘AdventureWorks2016’ and click 'Next'

Connect to the target Azure server using SQL authentication.

Now select the target database to which we want to migrate the data and schema of our source server. I have already created an empty Azure SQL database named ‘AdventureWorks2016’ and I will migrate my source database to this. Read here to know how to create an empty Azure SQL database.

In ‘Select Objects’ page we can select what all objects we wish to migrate.

Also on the same ‘Select Objects’ page, we can view object-specific issues that might encounter after migration. Like in the below screenshot you can see ‘HumanResources.JobCandidate’ table has Full-Text index on a column and DMA suggests ‘we can migrate this object but might face issue related Full-Text’. So we can take necessary actions and alternatives as per suggestions provided by DMA. Then click on ‘Generate SQL script’.

In this page ‘Script & Deploy Schema’, first SQL script will be generated for all the objects selected on the previous page. 

Once the script is generated we can click on ‘Deploy Schema’ to start deployment of the schema.

Once schema deployment is completed we can either Redeploy the schema or start migrating the data. Click on ‘Migrate data’

In the ‘Select tables’ page, select the tables to migrate. Here we will migrate all the tables. After selecting tables click on ‘Start data migration’The migration process will start and we can view progress as below

Once entire migration is complete let's connect to the Azure database server using ADS(Azure Data Studio). Now we can see the schema and data from our source database has been migrated to my Azure SQL database ‘AdventureWorks2016’.

Once we verify and make sure the entire source database has been migrated completely to the Azure SQL database and after applying fixes if any on the Azure SQL database now the application connections need to be diverted from on-premise SQL database to Azure SQL database. After diverting the connections once thorough testing is done that marks the completion of the migration.

Note: Database Migration Service is one of the most widely used tools for performing both Offline\Online migrations.

Thanks VV!!

#azure #databasemigration #migration #database #sqlserver #sql #Azure #DMA #offlinemigration #dbmigration #AzureSQL

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