Recently I was working on an issue where the SQL Server agent was missing from the SQL Server configuration manager. After going through sqlauthority blog realized there was a wrong entry in the registry. Once I updated the SQL Server agent exe location in the registry with the correct location then I was able to see the SQL Server agent back in the configuration manager.
So after this task, I
thought of writing a PowerShell script that can display all the SQL Server
folder locations from the registry instead of searching manually. This script
helps in displaying all the SQL Server registry entries of all the instances
installed in the server where this script is being run. Also, it will store the
output of the script by default in ‘C:\’ drive with the name
NOTE: Please remember incorrect updating of the registry will cause permanent damage to the server and data. So, please test
all the scripts in lower environments first.
This single script named
Script_MSSQL_Registry_Entries_1.1.PS1 will query the registry and display below
details of all the SQL Server instances installed in the current server.
1. Startup Parameters
2. AgentErrorLog
3. SQLBinaryRoot
4. SQLDataRoot
5. ExternalLibraries
6. SQLServerPath
Please be careful while
working with the registry. As any incorrect modification of the registry will cause
data loss.
** This script will work only in Powershell
ISE or Powershell 62 bit.
** It should be run as an ADMINISTRATOR.
I invite you to follow me @my blog: and @ Twitter: @vinayprasadv for more useful articles.
You can download the
script from below:
Sample output screenshots:
I am working on updating
this script further and will re-share details once I complete it.
Thanks VV!!
#powershell #registry #mssql #sqlserver #sql #script #automation
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