Monday, July 3, 2017

Powershell interview questions.

1.    What are cmdlets in PowerShell?

Cmdlets are lightweight commands used in PowerShell to perform some action. Like Get-Date to get the current date, Get-Help displays information about PowerShell commands, Get-Process displays list of processes that are running on the computer and so on.

2.    What are the comparison operators in PowerShell?

There are several comparison operators in PowerShell to compare the values like ‘-eq’ is equals operator, ‘-gt’ is greater than, ‘-lt’ is less than and ‘-ne’ not equal. Examples like 2 –gt 1 this returns True, 3 –ne 2 returns True, 3 –eq 2+1 returns True and so on.

3.    Can you name any other operators of PowerShell?

Yes. There are other operators such as ‘-like’, ‘-notlike’, ‘-replace’ and so on.
Eg: In below example, we are replacing ‘hi’ with ‘hello’. Check both the outputs.

4.    How will you declare variables in PowerShell?

We can declare like below:

$x = 1. This declares a variable named X and assigns 1 as a value to it.

5.    Are there loops and conditional objects in PowerShell?

Yes. We can use all of these in PowerShell  ‘for’, ‘while’, ‘do..while’,
 ‘if’, ‘elseif’, ‘switch’ and so on.

6.    What is the use of pipeline in PowerShell?

Pipeline is used for joining two or more commands so that output 
of the first command will be sent as input to the second 
command and so on.

7.    How to display the list of command lets in PowerShell?

Get-command displays the list of cmdlets available.

8.    Do we have arrays in PowerShell?

Yes. Arrays are used to assign multiple values to a variable. Arrays can be created using ‘@’ symbol.


9.    How to list all SQL related service details in PowerShell?

Get-service sql*

10. How to run SQL queries in PowerShell?

We can use ‘Invoke-Sqlcmd’ to perform this. Like Invoke-Sqlcmd  
-query “select * from employee”.

11. How to restart services in PowerShell?

Stop-service for stopping a service.
Start-Service is for starting a service.

12. What is an SMO and use of it?

SMO stands for SQL Server Management Object. These assemblies are used for managing SQL Server without using SSMS. First, we need to load these libraries before using these. These can help in automating many of the database activities.

Thanks VV!!

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